iBuyer Connect API

Reach qualified sellers

Real estate agents create over 250,000 comparative market analysis reports every month across the country using Cloud CMA. These are reports that are used at listing presentations for motivated sellers. Some of these agents and sellers would love to have investor cash offers as an option.

What we'll send you

We can set your investor group up with filters for specific property attributes you would like to invest in. Typical attributes would be specific zip codes, price ranges, and beds/baths ranges. When an agent publishes a CMA, we will only present them with the opportunity to request an investor offer if the subject property of the CMA matches your specific filters.

When an agent requests an offer, we will package up all the information used to create the CMA and make it available at a unique url in a standard JSON format. You will be notified with that url using an HTTP POST and/or email notification to addresses that you define. The HTTP POST method allows your current investor workflow software to ingest all of this data automatically and start the process of analyzing the subject property, the comparable properties, and tax data. If your analysis process starts off in a more manual way, then the email notification is the way to go.

Sample Data

View an example of this data JSON format: Sample API call

For more information on connecting to our API, fill out this interest form:

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